Friday, August 19, 2005

Along the lines of this.

When we were children it was the sea. When we were older it was the city. when we were teenagers we drank under the gazebo in the park, we inflated the wine bladder and threw it to each other. We were never what we thought we might be. We never became what we thought we would, we just took bigger steps down. I hadn’t thought too much about trying to be something before I saw you become nothing. Eyes down. Hands wrung, neck sore and bruised from the sting of the rope. You were nothing, to yourself and I was someone from a time before, when loathing might have been a game. I left you there. Eyes down. I have left everyone who has ever needed me more than I needed them. A legacy of leaving, it’s what I leave. And it’s always what you leave behind that follows you forever.

guilt is the sharp edge of the sky


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