Saturday, August 13, 2005

who needs sense, least of all to make it.

concentrateconcentrateconcentrateconcentrate i have to concentratei cant seem to concentrate i have sporadic ADD these guys, predominantly guys keep wanting to tell me something, this one guy he doesn’t seem to shut up on and on about bloody sociological, anthropological, political and economic representations of society. i appreciate what he is trying to do, imparting knowledge disseminating information, noble way noble mr article guy but ugh im tired and well mr article guy im sorry you’re boring as hell, oh no the next guy he is even more boring and me im sitting very close to my bed and well oh jeez whoops slipped and well now that im there i might as well do some sleeping.

now its day five of non smoking and day five of no coffee, although the coffee thing is just a relaxation of an addiction not the removal, the ciggies i hope are outta here. it helps when you have had the flu from hell and your bronchioles are already gasping for air there’s a fairly solid pocket of revolting ness attached to the very bottom of me little lungs and i sound like the Marlborough man on returning from a cigar smoking competition with Castro, and having won that treated himself to rousing bout of tuberculosis. i sound gross. there for i am. oh sweet descarte i am phlegmatic just for you.

i got passively stoned last night. it’s hard not to inhale for the duration of some elses joint. you tend to need to breath in that period of time. i breathed oh and the repercussions where pretty standard, distinct lack of participation in any conversation and a desire to hide. altho one fantastic side effect is where usually i would have no idea what the fuck was so funny, i instantly understood, everything anyone says who is stoned when you are is funny. specially when they laugh at their own jokes first - big clue. i now cannot read a sentence oh the dangers of drugs, there’s a lesson for you kiddies do hard drugs they are more fun and make you equally as stupid and you don’t unintentionally intoxicate anyone sitting next to you, its your civic responsibility. do hard drugs now, and give me some, no really go on, please...?

anyway fuck what a ramble . i have encountered two boys this week that i might not be apposed to kissing. unfortunately i don’t think this idea is um mutual. And i have strong opinions on nonconsensual kissing. maybe if i stalk them they will change their minds? nah non consensual stalking is also bodgy. i feel my flashing neon desperado sign may cause some kind of rupture in the subcutaneous amorphous nether regions of the precambrian monotheist Machiavellian paradigmatic metaphysical hegemony causing a deconstructionist, post-poststructuralist reading of entophytic faffaclismic, faffable, fafffaffing such as you may have just witnessed. who invented this thing and why won’t it shut me up?


Blogger kel said...

actually i do love llamas not in any wrong way but in the kind of way you might love earl grey tea for instance but of course without any necessity for consumption . i like them cause theyre fluffy
just thought i'd share that moment

7:14 AM  

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