Friday, March 03, 2006

social retardo

incommunicado, like Ricardo - you know that guy, that one , yeah the one with the limp, well just like him. no bravado just , just what ?theres nothing in the dictionary with an o on the end that describes me . im unique and an individual, individually portioned packets of uni que. not the one at the canteen, or at the book shop and especially not the one for the free biscuit when you sign up to god squad, im the kind of que, if que was actually spelt like that, which woulld start and end with someone like me looking pensively at the floor or nervously at the ceiling or impatiently at her nails. thats my que, i stand there often. mostly for kicks. i would let you too if you'd ask me, if only you'd ask me, why wont you ask me damn it, oh its because im hysterical, well i can do something about that, no really i can . look i didnt say anything for ten minutes, granted i was rocking in a corner but everyone needs an outlet.

so im thinking that the reason i am perpetually single might not be for the many pendulous blobby bits or the abject lack of personality it might just be because the rest of the world is fucked.

if so then good , im not in the market for fucked, im in the market for blue cheese.

adious and your camel, bored at the races again, boredom is a fine game for the fillies it makes you dance dumb fourstep barn dances with words that just forget who they've been.

so once i wrote about me and eecummings. today its me and tarrantino
we would turn, facing each other with some wit we kill each other and wiping the blood from our brow we would say, how very fucking post modern, death blood guts and gore, what is it good for, in the words of some person i now forget, absolutely nothin. when every ad is a little death and the movies cant kill them off fast enough and love in a german town is found when when one cannibal wants to eat another, where are we. are we movie lovers, are we fiction stations are we a fixated nation just longing for the blood of christ to wash away sins that we didnt even have time to do yet because they were so five minutes ago. what am i saying, i have no idea. its just more words, i would marry you words - if i was the marrying kind. because even if you fail me sometimes, misrepresent me sometimes, get stuck on the roof of my mouth quiver escape me i mostly understand you, except for when i dont.


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