Wednesday, October 12, 2005

at uni will study

puniversity, adversity, im adverse to the universe and all those other things i could say. im struggling on page 117 of contracting colonialism, i like that title by the way, its an obvious reference to language and sycopation and then to the way colonialism is like a disease which you catch, is transferred. changing the carrier sometimes killing them but that is cellularly resisted on all fronts.

ambivilance as resitence. are we being insightful or wishful, revolutionary or reductive. postcolonial or prescriptive. who knows. i have the holy trinity of pimples on my face, zac you recon its the chocolate. i recon its the chocolate and the very profound silence in the excercise department, lumps and bumps and blobs and wobblyness all enlarging to a degree unprecedentaly elephantile aerobics is on my WHAT I WILL DO WHEN UNI ENDS list. as well as books, drawing, oh where for art thou drawing and somehow beach, my friend who be absent. and perhaps boys, if i put it on my list it might happen.


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